Noelle in Ghana ~ Fall '06

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Blogged for Ghana!

"Blogged for Ghana!" Wow, that sounds funny, or perhaps I'm just easily amused...ANYWAY, Welcome to my blog! I've never had one of these before, so this will be yet another of my many adventures over the next four months!

I'm not quite sure how easy it will be to contact me when I'm abroad, but this will be one for sure way to stay in touch with me!

For anyone who may have simply stumbled across this page, my name is Noelle. I'm a junior at New York University, and I'm studying abroad in Accra, Ghana this fall. I spent an amazing summer in my hometown in North Carolina and made some incredible friends, with whom I hope to stay in contact with during my semester abroad. So I apologize in advance for any personal or sentimental comments that may slip into my blog posts every now and again. I can't help it! I haven't even left yet and I miss everyone already!

Don't worry though. This way, I can share all of my experiences with you, and hopefully it will be like you're here yourself! Or, well, at least like getting lots of fun postcards. Except better, because I can write a lot more and share many more photos and don't have to worry about them getting lost in the Ghanaian mail.

My flight for Ghana leaves this Saturday. I did all my laundry today so now the packing must begin. Except I can only bring one suitcase. Hmmm...I can tell this is going to be quite a learning experience!


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